King Athelstan - 924 ~ 2024


Anglo- Saxon Themed Food, Drink and Craft Fair

Anglo- Saxon Themed Food, Drink and Craft Fair

Immerse yourself in Anglo-Saxon culture, crafts and food and drink. Find stalls in Cloister Gardens, Market Cross and the Birdcage plus great activities, craft demonstrations, stroytelling and fun things to see and do. Any ailments? Pop into the Anglo-Saxon Health Centre and find the same remedy or cure that would have been offered to Athelstan. Want to pop 'a friend' in the stocks? You can. Fancy a photo on King Athelstan's throne. Come along! 

Event Information

Event Date 13th July 2024 @ 10:00am
Event End Date 13th July 2024 @ 4:00pm
Capacity 500
Individual Price Free But Priceless!
Location Cloister Gardens