King Athelstan - 924 ~ 2024


Be part of the Athlestan 1100 town centre banner display!

Be part of the Athlestan 1100 town centre banner display!

We are aiming to have 50 banners celebrating Athelstan 1100 from mid May to October, with 30 including contributions from across our whole community. Could one of them be yours? 

There are no other rules, except!

  • We want images to choose from which have a connection with Athelstan and or Anglo Saxon Malmesbury, or Athelstan and modern Malmesbury, and are on paper or can be digitised (by way of a photograph) that we can copy into a panel measuring 80cm high by 100cm wide.
  • We need your submission by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or handed in at the Information Centre in the Town Hall by no later than 4:00pm on Friday 26th April.
  • We’ll be producing paper and digital guides to Malmesbury's Athelstan 1100 Banners, so we’ll also want your name and appropriate contact details and a short description of 'what you have produced and why' we can include in the guides.

Let your imagination roam... Shields, Scenes from Athelstan’s life, animals known to the Anglo-Saxons, battles (not too gory), inside a feasting hall, Malmesbury’s Saxon Abbey, herbs and flowers used by the Anglo-Saxons, monks, Beowulf’s monsters, Anglo-Saxon family life, brooches, buckles and belts, modern uses of Athelstan’s name around Malmesbury...